Sunday, March 21, 2010


I woke up this morning with an absurd feeling that quite haunted me. It really confusing since I don't think that I had a problem, my life been great lately. There's something wrong with me, I guess. Having this kind of feeling is really uncomfortable and give me a huge pressure... Hate it so much.. Hate it because I really have no idea how to solve it and it makes me look so weak.. Huaahh...

It seems that I've got to deal with it as my own "reflection of life".. I said that because I do been thinking about what would I become for about next five years and have I become a good person already.. You know, these kind of questions are quite bothering so much, at least for me though.. It's kind of a burden for me, indirectly, because you know.. We've been socialized and got involved with so many persons who really care to us, and absolutely, we won't let them down.. Well, frankly speaking, I do feel like that.. I do feel like I am letting them down, I really am not a good person. Aarrghh... If only I could turn back the time.. If only I was a better person.. If only.. If only...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Choose one of them

Heyy i have somethings for you-you-all :) Check it out!
Neck Girls
Gutz Girls Graffiti
Kitty Brainz Girls Blue


oo-hell-oo!! i'm back hwehe. Banyak hal yang aku alamin hari ini. Dan mungkin ada yang buat aku ketawa zz. Akhirnya temen2 uda pada gak musuhin. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Dan hari ini i've got bad score in Biology. How stupid i am -__- Tapi masih ada claudi hahaha tenang aja dwehh. Kemaren aku rubah statusku jadi single. Biarin dah, emang gua pikirin? Terserah kamu. Kamu uda beda (titik). Oiaa aku lagi pengen nyari animation nih. Yang lucu gitu, gak norak hahaha. Ada yang tau? Genre-nya kayak serangga2 gerak, LOLIPOP deh hehe, ada yang tau? info me hellyeaah! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Totally SHIT

Malem ini harusnya aku lagi buat PKN berhubung lagi mau nge-post youdah deh nge-post dulu hwehe. Firstly, Aku kira ini masalah bisa kelar cepet. Eeeh sekarang malah gede. Awalnya cuma si K jadi sama M dkk, eeeh sama A. Aduuuh maunya apa sihh? Gatau ya ini mau UNAS? Cari gara2 mulu dwehh. Ga nyadar apa? Ga punya kaca? Grrrr. Sumpaah dah pengen gua bunuh mereka. Udah tugas numpuk. Ini lagi temen minta buatin slide show. Mau sih mau, cuman aku ga ada waktu zz. Apaaaaaan siih mereka semua? Mau jatuhin aku? Biar gak lulus ntar??. Aku harap mereka baca ini. Kenapa gak daridulu ngomong ke aku? Gitu kan sama juga bo'ong. Gimana aku bisa berubah? Mereka nggak bilang sejujurnya. Gitu nyalahin akuuuu grrr. Sabar2 Calm down.. Kalo mau betulin sahabat liat dulu keadaanmu okeee? Mbohh ah wes karepmu.